Starting pid: 252055 you are in compatibility mode, all graphical displays off Heed: Database path: /local/home/al264242/Documents/Soft/garfield6_root24/Heed/heed++/database Launching TRestManager... Creating TRestManager path:. MediumMagboltz::LoadGasFile: Reading /local/home/al264242/.rest/download/xe_99.0-n(ch3)3_1.0-E_vs_P_10.0_1000.0_nodes_20-nCol_10-maxE_400.gas. MediumMagboltz::LoadGasFile: Version 12 MediumMagboltz::LoadGasFile: Gas composition set to Xe/TMA (99/1) MediumMagboltz::LoadGasFile: Reading /tmp/restGasFile_al264242.gas. MediumMagboltz::LoadGasFile: Version 12 MediumMagboltz::LoadGasFile: Gas composition set to Xe/TMA (99/1) (1 added files) Method for parsing string to TRestEvent has not been registered! Method for parsing string to TRestEvent has not been registered! In TRestReflector::TRestReflector() : unrecognized type: "TRestEventProcess::REST_Process_Output" In TRestReflector::TRestReflector() : unrecognized type: "TRestEventProcess::REST_Process_Output" In TRestReflector::TRestReflector() : unrecognized type: "TRestEventProcess::REST_Process_Output" Warning: SetObservableValue(): setting value with different type. Observable : sAna_NumberOfSignals, existing type: double, value to add is in type: int, trying to update to the new type. Warning: SetObservableValue(): setting value with different type. Observable : sAna_NumberOfGoodSignals, existing type: double, value to add is in type: int, trying to update to the new type. TRestProcessRunner: 5 processes loaded, 1 threads prepared! = Process : TRestDetectorSignalToRawSignalProcess Name: signalToRAWsignal Title: A process to convert a TRestSignalEvent into a TRestRawSignalEvent VerboseLevel: warning ----------------------------------------------- Sampling time : 0.1 us Points per channel : 550 Trigger mode : firstDeposit Trigger delay : 50 time units ADC gain : 100 = = Process : TRestRawSignalAddNoiseProcess Name: addSignalNoiseProcess Title: Test AddNoise to Signal VerboseLevel: warning ----------------------------------------------- Noise Level : 6 = = Process : TRestRawSignalDataCollectionProcess Name: rawSigDataCollection Title: Transformation of the RawSignal into matrix data VerboseLevel: warning ----------------------------------------------- = = TRestProcessRunner: Starting the Process.. 22 Events, inf min ETA, (Pause: "p") 22.0%[===========>--------------------------------------] 43 Events, 0.1 min ETA, (Pause: "p") 43.0%[=====================>----------------------------] 66 Events, 0.0 min ETA, (Pause: "p") 66.0%[=================================>----------------] 87 Events, 0.0 min ETA, (Pause: "p") 87.0%[===========================================>------] Waiting for processes to finish ... 1 process warnings were found! Use run0->PrintWarnings(); to get additional info. TRestProcessRunner: 96 processed events Configuring output file, merging thread files together DataBase Entry Added! Run Number: 811, File ID: 0 TRestRun Created ... - Path : /local/home/al264242/Documents/Files/REST/REST_DATA/signal_data/test/ - Filename : Xe136_0NDBD_Signal_To_RAWSignalShape_WITHNOISE_0RANDcutStrips_100nsSampl_G4_energy_cut_Nev100.root Done!