Error: no member named 'get_time' in namespace 'std'

REST version : v2.2.18
REST commit : f9d0fc65

It is a compiler issue?

c++ - ‘std::get_time’ has not been declared - Stack Overflow

Adding -std=c++11 helps?

It still doesn’t work. Seems this method is missing in gcc 4.8.5. Can you try some alternative?

It is possible to use the following alternative. However it will take much longer time to code that just using get_time/.

We would need to parse the string given in the argument, and initialise the time_t structure members.

It is not possible to use a newer compiler?

I know that at SJTU cluster for example, you can load different environments:

Will load gcc-4.9
source scl_source enable devtoolset-3

Will load gcc-5.2.1
source scl_source enable devtoolset-4

Once you execute cmake it will take in future the path to the compiler specified by scl_source.

If it is not possible for you to update to the newer versions I guess the best would be to implement our own TRestTools::GetTime method equivalent to std::get_time.

I think we can use TRestStringHelper::ToTime()

I think we should make REST able to be compatible with any compiler which supports c++11. Now it seems that std::get_time() is not a universal function to all c++11 compilers. It should not be used.

I agree it is better to keep REST compatible with a wider number of systems.