restG4 not working due to problems with energy and angular distribution

System : Linux, MacOs, Windows?
REST version : v2.2.11_dev

After pulling last commits and making install, restG4 is not longer working. In one of these commits the problem with the direction of the angular dsitribution for a “virtual wall” had been fixed but it was working fine locally before pushing it. Now, I launch restG4 and the process stalls. This is the last message

Same problem using “mono” distribution (a bug has been fixed since the previous mesage about invalid angular distribution should have been about invalid energy distribuion)

I am currently looking into this, but there must be something else going on. I just did a git reset --hard HEAD and checked out to v2.2.11_dev on commit Sign in · GitLab to run my test simulation which contains the generator

        <generator type="virtualWall" position="(0,700,0)mm" size="500mm" rotation="(90,0,0)">
            <source particle="gamma">
                <energyDist type="TH1D" file="${REST_PATH}/data/distributions/CosmicGammas.root" spctName="hLEgamma"/>
                <angularDist type="TH1D" file="${REST_PATH}/data/distributions/CosmicAngles.root" spctName="Theta2"/>

and everything works fine, so I dont know what can be the cause, I’ll keep looking.

As we talked in person it has happened to me that after modifying code and building the simulation got stuck after launching, I could get past this problem by deleting the build folder and rebuilding.

Maybe you could share your .rml file and auxiliary files (or tell me the path in sultan) so I can verify I can run the simulation with the current code.


I have just tested it on sultan with a just built REST installation on /home/lobis/test/REST_test of the latest commit on v2.2.11_dev (Sign in · GitLab, two commits ahead from before but that should not be an issue/fix, for me it worked the same before and after).

I tested it with the example simulation under /home/lobis/gitlab/rest-first-steps/restG4sims/ExampleSimulation-Testing.rml which contains a cosmic gamma with energy and angular distribution from a TH1D and everything works fine so I don’t know what can be the source of the problem, I need to be able to reproduce the problem.

OK. Clean installation and it works fine.

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