Simulations getting stuck in v2.2.11_dev version

I am trying to run some simulations to test the code but they all get stuck at the same point. More info on Sign in · GitLab.

I did some modifications that could be related to this issue (mainly on the file) but I have reverted this file to the master version (info available in issue) and the problem persists, so I assume there is some other change I am not aware that is causing this problem, I cannot seem to find it, any ideas?



Just wait longer. I also get stuck on this position, some time ago. (inelastic, oxygen)

Do you know what is causing the simulations to slow down so much?

I have no idea. It seems to take several minuets to go through this.

It would be interesting to know, I have been doing some tests some time now but I cannot seem to find it (I was probably looking in the wrong place).

However, if this was not happening before, it should be possible to identify the commit at which this thing starts to happen.

Yes, I am doing that, reverting to previous commits in v2.2.11_dev, building and testing the simulation, I will inform you if I find anything.

The debugger shows it stucks here(line 302 from

Are we adding ion interactions here? Maybe it needs optimization.

Ok, that was introduced in the following commit

It is connected with the following topic in the forum.

Still, I didn’t have time to look at it. The problem was that the maxStepSize had no effect on ions.

I will revert that commit for the moment in v2.2.11_dev, and create an issue related to the ions max step size.

Ok, everything worked fine for me in simulations until this v2.2.11_dev branch. No problems in master or v2.2.11 branch.
I launch restG4 (not only in hte case of muon, but also other simualtions) and it loads all the libraries more or less quickly but it gets stuck with first event.

I have just done a fresh install of the latest dev build and I could run a simulation of 1000 muon events without noticing any slow compared to for example 2.2.11-master. Maybe it has something to do with your installation?

The only problem I found is the one related to Sign in · GitLab which still I cannot find out why it happens.

edit: bug has been solved.

It is working again (new fresh installation) but I have recovered my GetObservableValue problem and I also have the feeling that Hit and Track Analysis Observables are not being registered