System : Linux
REST version : v2.2.10
My simulation is about the neutrinoless double-beta decay of Xe136 to excited
states of Ba136. So each event will emit two electrons and two gamma. The gamma
's energy are 760keV and 819keV and the total kinetic energy of two electrons are 879keV.
Here I used REST_ViewEvents to check the track information of my simulation.
But in the red frame l marked, l am confused with the e-(563.30keV)'s compositon.(eventID=1048)
In other words,why there are two gamma whose energy are 29.76keV and 4.13keV.
Does the energy conservation work here(563.3≠29.76+4.13)?
Or there is some bug with the code?
Hi, I believe is more a problem with the representation on the REST_EventViewer.
I believe, the 563.30keV given in the viewer is the initial kinetic energy of the electron, not deposited, at position (-220,302.4,-122.0). What it is confusing here is that the pink it is just a marker of the position and initial kinetic energy. Try to remove the pink lines mentally xD.
So, the 2 gammas are secondaries of the electron track, but the electron did NOT deposit 563.30keV. You must check the total energy deposited by the event, or that particular track. Again, what is given in the viewer is the initial kinetic energy of the particle. The electron then experienced an interaction where it loosed energy and gave it to the gamma.
Could you print out and attach the output of the PrintEvent method? This may help to understand the process.
You can achieve that, for example, by using this in a restRoot
TRestRun *run = new TRestRun();
TRestG4Event *ev = new TRestG4Event();
run->GetEntry(0); // or any entry you want to retrieve
G4event1048.txt (58.2 KB)
Yeah,l have used REST_PrintEvents.C to output the process
I cannot find REST_PrintEvents.C
in the repository.
TRestRun *run = new TRestRun();
TRestG4Event *ev = new TRestG4Event();
run->GetEntry(0); // I assume is your first entry
The energy you get should not be 563.3, but lower than 563.3 - 29.76 - 4.13, so that energy conservation is not violated.
REST_PrintEvents.txt (2.6 KB)
That’s what l used. l just replace the suffix .C with .txt to upload this one.
So, that’s your own script, or it is that in the repository?
I have updated the settings of the site so that it is allowed to upload macros with .C extension.
Yes,l added it by myself.
May be it would be good if you or @nkx upload it to the repository?